About Us

The Hempified Vision: 

To shift conscious thinking towards, in and about  ‘Anything & Everything  Hemp’. 

The Hempified Mission: 

To replace everyday, lifestyle products and produce that are made from unsustainable resources like plastic, metal, and cotton - with hemp-based alternatives. The mission is to heal the country, to replace CO2 emissions, to build a human footprint that welcomes healing in and across these lands - and hopes to repair and reverse damages done by industry. 

Conscious thinking of Hemp changes the impact, the footprint and the journey for all humans - learning these skills from other cultures, their connection to Country and the importance of Action Thinking before purchase - drives the ecosystem of change across the landscape. 

We are so grateful to be working alongside those of the First Nations people and recognising this culture as the longest, most knowledgeable culture in the world.